Fixed False Piece
Nowadays, bridges made only of metal are practically unacceptable.
Metalic bridge, without covering | Porcelain bridges | |
False pieces are aesthetically more acceptable when they have a porcelain covering. The covering is applied over a metallic crown in an individual way for each patient. Porcelain is more compatible with tissue than synthetic material so does not cause allergic reactions.
The porcelain doesn’t stain, because it is more hardwearing.
The entire surface can be covered with porcelain. This provides better aesthetic results as all surfaces of the tooth can be a natural colour.
Bridges made completely of ZIRCON
The most aesthetically perfect bridge is one which is made completely of ZIRCON.
Light which is reflected in false pieces actually penetrates as it does in a natural tooth. In the inevitable event of the gums contracting, there are no black borders.
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